1.A cricket team of 11 players is to be selected from a group of 15 players of whom 5 are bowlers, 7 are batsmen and 3 are all-rounders. In how many ways can the team be selected so that it should contain 3 bowlers, 6 batsmen and 2 all-roundrs?


2. In how many ways can 7 letters be posted in 3 letter boxes


3.A plane contains 10 points in which no three poins are collinear.How many triangles can be formed using these points?


4. If 10c3=10cr, then what are the possible values of r?


5.A bag contains 5 red balls, 3 yellow balls and 2 white ball. The number of ways in which one or more balls can be taken out is

6. Mike attempts a true or false question paper which contains 5 questions at random. The number of ways he could have answered one or more questions is


7. Rohan has 6 friends whom he wants to invite for dinner. The number of ways in which he can invite atleast 1 of them are


8. In how many ways can three persons be seated in five chairs?


9. A cultural committee of 8 is to be formed from 9 Asians and 5 africans. In how many ways can it be done when the committee consists of exactly three africans?

B. 72

10.In how many ways can a committee of 6 can be formed from 10 members so that one particular person is always included and two particular persons ar never included?


11. If nc5 =nc3, find 10cn



nc0 np0

A. If column A is greater
B. If column B is greater
C. Both are equal
D. Cannot be determined

13.When 5 coins are thrown in how many ways it show exactly three tails?

A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 10
E. 15

14.There are 12 points in a plane in which 7 points are collinear. How many straight lines can be formed by joining these points?

A. 12c2
B. 7c2
C. 12c2-7c2
D. 12c2-7c2+1
E. 12-7+1

15. There are 12 points in a plane in which 7 points are collinear. How many straight triangles can be formed by joining these points?

A. 12c3
B. 7c3
C. 12c3-7c3
D. 12c3-7c3+1
E. 12c3+7c3+1

16. A number plate should have four digits.If the first digit is three, the second digit is a positive even number and the last two digits are in ascending order, then find the total number of different number plates possible.

A. 120
B. 135
C. 144
D. 180
E. 225

17. In how many ways can six students and six teachers sit around a circular table so that no two students are sitting together?

A. 5!5!
B. 5!6!
C. 6!6!
D. 11!
E. 12!



Five coins thrown

The number of ways it can show atleast 1 head The number of ways it can show atleast 1 tail

A. If column A is greater
B. If column B is greater
C. Both are equal
D. Cannot be determined

19. When two dice are thrown the number of ways it show sum atleast 11?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5

20. The number of diagonal in a 12 sided polygon is

A. 6
B. 9
C. 27
D. 54
E. 108

Explanation forquestion1:

1.A cricket team of 11 players is to be selected from a group of 15 players of whom 5 are bowlers, 7 are
batsmen and 3 are all-rounders. In how many ways can the team be selected so that it should contain 3 bowlers, 6 batsmen and 2 all-roundrs?

3 bowlers can be selected from 5 in 5c3 ways
6 batsmen can be selected from 7 in 7c6 ways
2 all-rounders can be selected from 3 in 3c2 ways
Explanation for Question2:

In how many ways can 7 letters be posted in 3 letter boxes

first letter can be posted in 3 ways
second letter can be posted in 3 ways
third letter can be posted in 3 ways
fourth letter can be posted in 3 ways and so on
seventh letter can be posted in 3 ways
the answer is 3x3x3x3x3x3x3 ways.
37 is the answer.
Explanation for question3:

A plane contains 10 points in which no three poins are collinear.How many triangles can be formed using these points?

To form a triangle we require 3 points. It we have to select 3 points from 10 points
therefore 10c3
Explanation for Question 4:

If 10c3=10cr, then what are the possible values of r?

we knoe that ncr=ncn-r
r=3 or (10-3)
Explanation for Question 5:

A bag contains 5 red balls, 3 yellow balls and 2 white ball. The number of ways in which one or more balls can be taken out is

5 red balls can be choosen in 6 ways (0,1,2,3,4,5)
3 yellow balls can be choosen in 4 ways (0,1,2,3)
2 white balls can be choosen in 3 ways (0,1,2).
The no of ways possible is 6x4x3=72
atleast one ball means 72-1=71.
Explanation for Question 6:

6. Mike attempts a true or false question paper which contains 5 questions at random. The number of ways he could have answered one or more questions is

Each question can be attempted in 2 ways so, 5 questions can be attempted in 25=32 ways.He has to attempt one or more questions in 32-1= 31 ways
Explanation for Question 7:

Rohan has 6 friends whom he wants to invite for dinner. The number of ways in which he can invite atleast 1 of them are

He can invite his friends in 6c1+6c2+6c3+6c4+6c5+6c6=63 ways.
Explanation for Question8:

In how many ways can three persons be seated in five chairs?

3 persons can be seated in 5 chairs in 5p3 ways.
5x4x3=60 ways.
Explanation for Question9: A cultural committee of 8 is to be formed from 9 Asians and 5 africans. In how many ways can it be done when the committee consists of exactly three africans? A committee must consists of 3 africans and 5 asians
3 africans can be selected from 5 in 5c3=10 ways
5 asians can be selected from 9 in 9c5=126 ways
the answer is 10x126=1260 ways.
Explanation for Question 10:

In how many ways can a committee of 6 can be formed from 10 members so that one particular person is always included and two particular persons ar never included?

We have to select 6 from 10. But numbers never be selected it means we have to select from 8.However one particular person is always included therefore we have to select 5 from 7
In 7c5 ways
Explanation for Question 11:

If nc5 =nc3, find 10cn

we know that If ncr =ncn-r
nc5 =nc3=> n=8
Explanation for Question 12:

Explanation for Question 13:

When 5 coins are thrown in how many ways it show exactly three tails?

then number of ways it shows exactly 3 tails is 5c3 = 10.
Explanation for Question 14:

There are 12 points in a plane in which 7 points are collinear. How many straight lines can be formed by joining these points?

If There are n points in a plane in which r points are collinear. then the number of straight lines can be formed by joining these points is nc2-rc2+1
there fore the answer is 12c2-7c2+1.
Explanation for Question 15:

There are 12 points in a plane in which 7 points are collinear. How many triangles can be formed by joining these points?

If There are n points in a plane in which r points are collinear. then the number of triangles can be formed by joining these points is nc3-rc3
there fore the answer is 12c2-7c2.
Explanation for Question 16:

A number plate should have four digits.If the first digit is three, the second digit is a positive even number and the last two digits are in ascending order, then find the total number of different number plates possible.

The four number plate will be 3_ _ _,
First place can be filled in one way.
second place can be filled in 4 ways (2,4,6 and 8)
Third and fourth can be filled in
If the third digit is 0 then fourth digit can be filled in 9 ways (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
If the third digit is 1 then fourth digit can be filled in 8 ways (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
If the third digit is 2 then fourth digit can be filled in 7 ways (3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
and so on.....
If the third digit is 8 then fourth digit can be filled in 1 ways (9)
If the third digit is 9 then fourth digit can be filled in 0 ways, there is no single digit number that is greater than 9.
The third and fourth together can be filled in (9+8+7+...+1) =45 ways
The required answer is 1x4x45=180.
Explanation for Question 17:

In how many ways can six students and six teachers sit around a circular table so that no two students are sitting together?

Six teachers can be arranged by leaving one space between them in circular is 5!
Now for six students six vacant places and they can be arranged in 6! ways
The answer is 5!6!
Explanation for Question 18:

nc0 np0


Five coins thrown

The number of ways it can show atleast 1 head The number of ways it can show atleast 1 tail

The number of ways it shows atleast one head is equalent to the number of ways it shows atleast one tail.
Explanation for Question 19:

When two dice are thrown the number of ways it show sum atleast 11?

sum atleast 11 means it can show 11 or 12
the possible for 11 is (5,6) and (6,5)
the possible for 12 is (6,6)
The answer is 3 ways.
Explanation for Question 20:

The number of diagonal in a 12 sided polygon is

The number of diagonal in a n sided polygon is n(n-3)/2.
Therefore the required answer is 12(12-3)/2=54