1.       What is the decimal equivalent of (1/5)5 ?
(A) 0.00032          
(B) 0.0016             
(C) 0.00625           
(D) 0.008               
(E) 0.03125

2.       Two hundred gallons of fuel oil are purchased at $0.91 per gallon and are consumed at a rate of $0.70 worth of fuel per hour. At this rate, how many hours are required to consume the 200 gallons of fuel oil?
(A) 140         
(B) 220         
(C) 260         
(D) 322         
(E) 330

3.         what is the value of  275x275-2x275x274+274x274
(A) – 4
(B) – 1
(C) 0
(D) 1
(E) 2

4.       If b < 2 and 2x – 3b = O. which of the following must be true?
(A) x > -3    
(B) x < 2      
(C) x = 3       
(D) x < 3      
(E) x > 3

5.       The trapezoid shown in the figure above represents a cross section of the rudder of a ship. I f the distance from A to B is 13 feet, what is the area of the cross section of the rudder in square feet?
(A) 39
(B) 40           
(C) 42           
(D) 45          
(E) 46.5 

6.     2^4-4^2  = 

7.       If n is a positive integer, then  is
(A) even only when n is even
(B) even only when n is odd
(C) odd whenever n is odd
(D) divisible by 3 only when n is odd
(E) divisible by 4 whenever n is even

8.       If Jack had twice the amount of money that he has. he would have exactly the amount necessary to buy 3 hamburgers at $0.96 apiece and 2 milk shakes at $1.28 apiece. How much money does Jack have?
(A) $1.60      
(B) $2.24     
(C) $2.72       
(D) $3.36      
(E) $5.44

9.       If a photocopier makes 2 copies in  second, then, at the same rate, how many copies does it make in 4 minutes?
(A) 360          
(B) 480
(C) 576
(D) 720          
(E) 1,440

10.   A cubical block of metal weighs 6 pounds. How much will another cube of the same metal weigh if its sides are twice as long?

Directions (11-15) Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below

11.    What was the percentage increase in export of rice from 1991 to 1992?
(A) 30
(B) 25
(C) 20
(D) 25

12.    The total export of rice in 1994 was what percent of the total export in the year 1991 and 1993?
(A) 60
(B) 50
(C) 40
(D) 30
(E) 20

13.    What was the percentage drop in the export of rice in the year 1994 as compared to the year 1993?
(A) 35
(B) 30
(C) 25
(D) 20
(E) 15

14.   In how many years the export of rice were less than the average export in the given year s?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6

15.    In which of the following pair of years the difference in export is maximum?
(A) 1993-1997
(B) 1994-1996
(C) 1991-1993
(D) 1992-1994

16.                           9 less than 4x = 39                  
Column A                                                    Column B
        X                                                            10

17.                                   k² = 4 
                                km = 6
Column A                                                    Column B
          K                                                          m

18.   Column A                                                    Column B
3 x 10³ + 2 x 10² + 10                       321 x 10

19.                         A rectangle has area 30
Column A                                                    Column B
Perimeter of this rectangle                     25

20.   Farm X is 8 miles due west of farm Y, and farm Z is 7 miles due north of farm Y
Column A                                                    Column B

Distance between X and Z                                10 miles