1. Public sector outlay was Rs.40,000 crores in the fifth plan and around Rs. 1 lakh crores in the
    Sixth plan. What is the percentage increase in the amount spent towards Energy sector from
    the fifth plan  to the sixth plan?
A.      40%
B.      380%
C.      275%
D.      26%
E.      62%
2. In the seventh plan, the amount spent towards industry was Rs. 26,400 crores. What was the
    amount spent towards Transport and Communication, if it was 40% of “Others”? (In Rs.  
   Thousand crores)
A      29,000
B.      22,000
C.      88,000
D.      43,000
E.      36,000
3. During the fifth plan , 65 % of the amount spent in the Agriculture sector was through private
    investment. If the private investment was 5,200 crores. What was the total outlay of the fifth
A.      Rs. 8,000 crores
B.      Rs. 24,000 crores
C.      Rs. 40,000 crores
D.      Rs. 32,000 crores
E.      Rs. 43,000 crores
4. During the fourth plan and the seventh plan , the total public sector outlay was Rs. 16,000
    crores and Rs 2.2 lac crores respectively . The percentage increase in deployment of funds
    was the maximum for  which of the following sectors from the fourth plan to the seventh
A.      Agriculture
B.      Energy
C.      Industry
D.      Both Agriculture and Industry
E.      Others
5. Out of the four sectors given , how many sectors showed a consistent trend ( Increase or
    decrease) in the allocation between the fourth plan and the seventh plan?
A.      Zero
B.      One
C.      Two
D.      Three
E.       Cannot be determined