11.       What is the angle covered by the minute hand in 22 minutes?
a)      660                                  b) 1100
c)       1320                               d) 2200
22.       By how many degrees does an hour hand move in one quarter of an hour?
a)      50                                    b) 7.50
c)       100                                  d) 12.50
33.       By how many degrees will the minute hand move, in the same time, in which the hour hand moves 60?
a)      540                                  b) 840
c)       720                                  d) 600
44.       How many times, the hands of a clock will be at 300 with each other in a day?
a)      36                                   b) 40
c)       44                                   d) 48
55.       If the seconds hand moves by 2400, then by how many degrees does the minute hand move in the same time?
a)      10                                    b) 20
c)       30                                    d) 40
66.       What is the angle between the hand o the clock, when it shows 40 minutes past 6?
a)      400                                  b) 700
c)       800                                  d) 900
77.       When the clock shows 3 hours 14 minutes, what is the angle between the hands of the clock?
a)      100                                  b) 120
c)       130                                  d)140
88.       What is the angle between the two hands of a clock when the time is 25 minutes past 7 O’ clock?

99.       When the clock shows 20 minutes past 11 O’clock, what is the angle between the two hands of the clock
a)      1100                               b) 1200
c)       1300                               d)1400
110.   At what time between 9 and 10 O’clock, will both the two hands of the clock coincide?

111.   At what time between 4 and 5 O’clock are the hands of a clock in the opposite directions?

112.   The angle between the hands of a clock is 200 and the hour hand is in between 2 and 3. What is the time shown by the clock?

113.   Which of the following can be the time shown by the clock, when the hour hand is in between 4 and 5 and the angle between the two hands of the clock is 600?

114.   The minute hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 60 minutes of correct time. How much time does the clock gain or lose in one hour of correct time?

115.   When the time is 10:30, if the minute hand points towards south, the hour hand will point towards
a)      North-East                  b) North-West

c)       South-East                  d) South-West