1.1.      A”can do a work in 12 days and “B” can do the same work in 36 days. Working together, in how many days can they complete the same work?
(1)6                          (2)9                       (3)7                         (4)8                         (5) None
22.      ‘A’ is twice as efficient as B. working together they can complete given work in 27 days.
In how much time can B alone do the work?
(1)81 days              (2)60 ¾ days        (3)40 ½ days         (4)54 days             (5) None
33.   ‘A’ can do a work in 16 days and B can do the same work in 22 days. If they work on alternate days beginning with A, in how many days can the work be completed?
(1)18 7/11              (2)19 5/11            (3)18 5/11            (4)19 7/11             (5) None
44.     A and B can do a work in 30 days and 120 days respectively. With the help of C, they can complete the work in 15 days. In how many days can C alone complete the work?
(1)40                       (2)30                    (3)46                      (4)36                      (5) None
55.      A is 30% more efficient than B. if A alone can do the work in 40 days, in how much time can B alone do the work?
(1)60 days              (2)52 days             (3)54 days            (4)64 days             (5) None
66.       ‘A’ can do a work in 48 days. He starts the work and leaves after 18 days. B completes the remaining work in 12 days. If they get Rs.296 for the work, then what is B’s share?
(1)Rs.162                (2) Rs.185             (3) Rs.172             (4) Rs.195              (5) None
77.     A, B and C can do a work in 28, 35 and 12 days respectively. They all start the work together, but A leaves 2 days and C leaves 1 day before the completion of the work. In how many days does the work get completed?
(1)12                       (2)8                       (3)9                         (4)10                      (5) None
88.     Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 15 hours and 18 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty the tank in 20 hours. If all pipes are opened, then in how many hours can 18/18th part of the tank be filled?
(1)10                       (2)8                       (3)12                      (4)6                         (5) None
99.     87 men can do a work in 24 days. How many men are needed to complete the work in 18 days?
(1)126                     (2)136                  (3)116                    (4)106                    (5) None
110.    In a hostel the provisions were sufficient for 20 men for 10 days. After some days 5 men left the hostel and the remaining provisions were sufficient for the remaining men for 8 days. After how many days did the 5 men leave the hostel?
(1)2                          (2)4                       (3)5                         (4)3                         (5) None
111.     12 men and 16 women can do a work in 8 days. 20 men and 41 women can do the same work in 4 days. In how many days can 16 women do the same work?
(1)21 1/2               (2)20 1/2               (3)22 1/2              (4)23 1/2               (5) None
112.    P and Q can do a work in 10 days and 35 days respectively. If they work on alternate days beginning with Q, in how many days, will the work be completed?
(1)15 4/7                (2)15 5/7              (3)16 4/7              (4)14 5/7               (5) None
113.    A and B can do a work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days, A and C in 20 days. In how many days can A, B and C completes the work individually?
(1)30, 20, 50          (2)30, 45, 60        (3)30, 20, 60        (4)30, 60, 90         (5) None
114.     A certain number of men can construct a building in 120 days by working 8 hours per day. If the number of men increases by one – third, then in how many days can they construct two such building by working 6 hours per day?
(1)240                     (2)280                  (3)260                    (4)220                    (5) None
115.    9 men or 15 women can do a work in 24 days. In how many days can 15 men and 15 women do the same work?
(1)6                          (2)12                    (3)9                         (4)15                      (5) None