1. If 'P' is the probability of an event occurring, P* is the probability of not occurring the event and if P>0.5, then

    Column A Column B
    PP* P

  2. In a company, there are 54 members. If Wednesday has more number of birthdays than on any other day of the week, then

    Column A Column B
    The least number of birthdays on Wednesday 8

  3. If 6 members are to be selected in group of 4 children and 4 men, then

    Column A Column B
    Probability of selecting 2 children and 4 men Probability of selecting 3 children and 3 men

  4. From a set of positive numbers 1 to 100, two numbers x & y are to be selected at random.

    Column A Column B
    Probability that the two numbers x & y are even Probability that the sum of two numbers selected is even

  5. In a bottle of 3 red, 4 green and 5 blue marbles, if 2 marbles are taken out, what is the probability that two marbles are of red color?

  6. If the probability of some X person's success rate in doing a task is 0.8 and Y person is 0.7, then what is the probability that neither can do the task?

  7. Given that a person invites 10 members to a party, of which 3 are his best friends and 7 are his casual friends. If 2 members are to be selected from 10, find the probability that selected 2 are his best friends?

  8. A person invited 7 people to a party. Of which 3 of them were friends and 4 of them were guests. If 2 people are to be selected from 7 people, find the probability that selected 2 people are his guests?

  9. From a group of 20 students with 10 boys and 10 girls, a teacher has to select 7 students. If she selects 6 girls, what is the probability that selected 7th student is also a girl?

  10. If the probability of raining on 1st day is 0.8 and the probability of raining on 2nd day is 0.6, then what is the probability of not raining on any of these days?