

1.       The price of a certain television set is discounted by 10 percent, and the reduced price is then discounted by 10 percent. This series of successive discounts is equivalent to a single discount of
        (A) 20%                                           
(B) 19%                                            
(C)  18%                                            
(D) 11%                                           
(E)  10%

2.       If 2/(1+2/y)   = 1,then y =

3.       If a rectangular photograph that is 10 inches wide by 15 inches long is to be enlarged so that the width will be 22 inches and the ratio of width to length will be unchanged, then the length, in inches, of the enlarged photograph will be
(A) 33           
(B) 32           
(C) 30           
(D) 27           
(E)  25

4.       If m is an integer such that  (-2)^2m=2^(9-m), then m=        
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 6

5.       If 0<x   and y < 12, which of the following CANNOT be the value of xy?
(A) – 2
(B) 1
(C) 6
(D) 24
(E) 48

6.       In the figure above, V represents an observation point at one end of a pool. From V, an object that is actually located on the bottom of the pool at point R appears to be at point S. If VR = 10 feet, what is the distance RS, in feet, between the actual position and the perceived position of the object?
(A) 10 – 5
(B) 10 – 5
(C) 2
(D) 2 ½
(E) 4

7.      If the total payroll expense of a certain business in year Y was $84,000, which was 20 percent more than in year X, what was the total payroll expense
in year X?
(A) $70,000                            
(B) $68,320                             
(C) $64.000                             
(D) $60,000                            
(E) $52,320

8.      If a, b and c are consecutive positive integers and a < b < c, which of the following must be true? (SELECT ALL POSSIBLE ANSWERS)
        c –a = 2
abc is an even integer.

9.      A straight pipe yard in length was marked off in fourths and also in thirds. If the pipe was then cut into separate pieces at each of these markings, which of the following gives all the different lengths of the pieces, in fractions of of a yard?

(A)  1/6  and 1/4 only
(B)   1/4 and 1/3  only
(C)   1/6,1/4 and 1/3 only
(D)   1/12 ,1/6  and 1/4 only
(E)  1/12 ,1/6  and 1/3 only
10.  What is the least integer that is a sum of three different primes each greater than 20?

Directions (11-15) Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below it.

11.    What was the percent increase in export value from 1983 to 1986?
(A) 100
(B) 25.9
(C) 37.5
(D) 135
(E) 85
12.    What was the difference between the pieces of garments exported in 1984 and 1985?
(A) 80, 00,000
(B) 8,00,000
(C) 8,00,00,000
(D) 8,000
(E) None

13.   What was the approximate percentage drop in export quantity from 1983 to 1984?
(A) 22
(B) 18
(C) 40
(D) 82
(E) 95

14.    If in 1987 the garments were exported at the same rate per piece as that in 1985, what could be the approximate value in cores of rupees of exports in 1987?
(A) 1040
(B) 726
(C) 934
(D) 732
(E) 786

15.   In which of the given years the value per piece was minimum?
(A) 1987
(B) 1984
(C) 1985
(D) 1986
(E) 1983

16.                    45 per cent of n = 60
Column A                                              Column B
90 per cent of n                              120

17.   Column A                                              Column B
The time it would take     The time it would take 
to drive 80 miles at an     to drive 60 miles at an 
average speed of           average speed of 
60 miles per hour            45 mile an hour

18.   Column A                                              Column B
Twice the volume of        Volume of a cube of 
a cube of side 1                         side 2

19.   Column A                                              Column B
-1 (-1)                                         -1 +(-1)

20.   Column A                                              Column B
75,410 rounded to           75,410 rounded to the 
the nearest hundred        nearest thousand