
Sphere Facts
Notice these interesting things:
It is perfectly symmetrical
It has no edges or vertices (corners)
It is not a polyhedron
All points on the surface are the same distance from the center
Sphere Radius
And for reference:
Surface Area = 4 × π × r2
Volume = (4/3) × π × r3
Glass Sphere
Glass Sphere

Balls and marbles are shaped like spheres.

Largest Volume for Smallest Surface

Of all the shapes, a sphere has the smallest surface area for a volume. Or put another way it can contain the greatest volume for a fixed surface area.
Example: if you blow up a balloon it naturally forms a sphere because it is trying to hold as much air as possible with as small a surface as possible. Press the Play button to see.

In Nature

The sphere appears in nature whenever a surface wants to be as small as possible. Examples include bubbles and water drops, can you think of more?

The Earth

The Planet Earth, our home, is nearlya sphere, except that it is squashed a little at the poles. 
Earth is a Spheroid
It is a spheroid, which means it just misses out on being a sphere because it isn't perfect in one direction (in the Earth's case: North-South)

Other Cool Spheres

Jade SphereLight Sphere
Dark SphereBrass Sphere