On 3 sales John has received commissions of $240,
$80, and $110, and he has 1 additional sale pending.
If John is to receive an average (arithmetic mean)
commission of exactly $150 on the 4 sales, then the
4th commission must be

A company accountant estimates that airfares next
year for business trips of a thousand miles or less will
increase by 20 percent and airfares for all other
business trips will increase by 10 percent. This year
total airfares for business trips of a thousand miles or
less were $9,900 and airfares for all other business
trips were $13,000. According to the accountant’s
estimate, if the same business trips will be made next
year as this year, how much will be spent for airfares
next year?
A. $22,930 
B. $26,180 
C. $26,330 
D. $26,490 
E. $29,770

 During a two week period, the price of an ounce of
silver increased by 25 percent by the end of the first
week and then decreased by 20 percent of this new
price by the end of the second week. If the price of
silver was x dollars per ounce at the beginning of the
two-week period, what was the price, in dollars per
ounce, by the end of the period?
A. 0.8x 
B .0.95x 
C. x 
D. 1.05x 
E. 1.25x

In a certain pond, 50 fish were caught, tagged, and
returned to the pond. A few days later, 50 fish were
caught again, of which 2 were found to have been
tagged. If the percent of tagged fish in the second
catch approximates the percent of tagged fish in the
pond, what is the approximate number of fish in the
A. 400
B. 625 
C. 1250 
D. 2500 
E. 10000
A hiker walked for two days. On the second day the
hiker walked 2 hours longer and at an average speed
1 mile per hour faster than he walked on the first day.
If during the two days he walked a total of 64 miles
and spent a total of 18 hours walking, what was his
average speed on the first day?
A. 2mph
B. 3mph 
C. 4mph 
D. 5mph
E. 6mph