1.       If Mario was 32 years old 8 years ago, how old was he x years ago?
(A)  x - 40
(B)  x - 24
(C)  40 - x
(D)  24 - x
(E)  24 + x

2.       Running at the same constant rate, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles per minute. At this rate, how many bottles could 10 such machines produce in 4 minutes?
(A)  648
(B)  1,800
(C)  2,700
(D)  10,800
(E)  64,800

3.       Three business partners, Q, R, and S, agree to divide their total profit for a certain year in the ratios
2 : 5 : 8, respectively. If Q's share was $4,000, what was the total profit of the business partners for the year?
(A)  $26,000
(B)  $30,000
(C)  $52,000
(D)  $60,000
(E)  $300,000
4.       Of the five coordinates associated with points A, B, C, D, and E on the number line above, which has the greatest absolute value?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

5.       A restaurant meal cost $35.50 and there was no tax. If the tip was more than 10 percent but less than 15 percent of the cost of the meal, then the total amount paid must have been between
(A) $40   and $42
(B) $39 and $41
(C) $38 and $40
(D) $37 and $39
(E) $36 and $37

6.       Harriet wants to put up fencing around three sides
of her rectangular yard and leave a side of 20 feet
unfenced. If the yard has an area of 680 square feet,
how many feet of fencing does she need?
(A) 34
(B) 40    
(C) 68    
(D) 88    
(E) 102

7.       If u > t, r > q, s > t, and t > r, which of the following must be true? (SELECT ALL POSSIBLE ANSWERS)
ð        u > s
ð        s > q
ð        u > r                                      

8.       Increasing the original price of an article by 15 percent and then increasing the new price by 15 percent is equivalent to increasing the original price by 
(A) 32.25%
(B) 31.00%   
(C) 30.25%
(D) 30.00%
(E) 22.50%

9.       If k is an integer and 0.0010101 x 10k is greater than 1,000, what is the least possible value of k? 

10.   If (b - 3 )( 4 +2/b  ) = 0 and b not equal to 3, then b =
(A) – 8
(B) – 2
(C)  -  ½
(D)  ½
(E) 2

Directions (11 - 15): The table below gives the production capacity (in thousands units) and the percent utilization in respect of three products (A, B and C) over five years for an organization. Study the table carefully and answer the questions that follow.

11.   Approximately, what was the overall utilization for all products taken together for the year 1993?
(A) 50 %                      
(B) 55 %
(C) 60 %                       
(D) 65 %      
(E) 70 %

12.   What is the approximate overall growth rate in respect of total capacity for the period shown?
(A) 5 %                         
(B) 10 %
(C) 15 %       
(D) 20 %      
(E) 25 %
13.   In which of the following years was the production of product A the maximum for all period shown?
(A) 19 93     
(B) 19 97
(C) 19 96      
(D) 19 94     
(E) 1995

14.   What is the average production of product B over the period shown?
(A) 21,600   
(B) 24,200
(C) 34,600   
(D) 28,800   
(E) 23, 400

15.   In which of the following years was the production of product C the minimum for the period shown?
(A) 19 97     
(B) 19 94
(C) 19 93      
(D) 19 96     
(E) 1995


16.                                      ab = 0
Column A                                                    Column B
                 a                                                                   0

17.                               -1 < x < 0
Column A                                                    Column B
        X3                                                                   x5

18.   The average of four numbers is 30. The average of three of these numbers is 20.                     
Column A                                                    Column B
The value of the                                   60
fourth number

19.   In a triangle ABC,  AC > CB > AB, where AB=c,CB=a, AC=b.
Column A                                                    Column B
               b                                                                        a

The line containing point A is rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise about the origin, O.
Column A                                                    Column B
The y coordinate of                                      The y coordinate of
point A before rotation.           point A after rotation.